Meet the Cast and Crew​
Sarah Cantrill BSc Hons, FRSA

Role in the Show: Piggy Straw
Other jobs with Story Storks
Artistic Director & Founder, Writer, Composer, Set Builder, Choreographer, Costumier, Marketeer and tea lady.
With a background in Theatre in Education, stand up comedy and sketch comedy, I was never going to do a normal job! I started Story Storks & Co. back in 2011, just over a year after becoming a mum for the first time (I now have two little piggies of my own!) There is nothing I love more than storytelling – the bigger the audience the better!
From September, I will be running Story Storks part-time whilst I take a PGCE to become a Chemistry teacher which I'm hoping will involve some explosive storytelling - and if it doesn't I'll invent it!!
Stuart Burrows
Role in the Show: Piggy Bricks
Other jobs with Story Storks
Super Sub!
I've been appearing in Story Storks shows from the very beginning, having joined the cast for The Forgotten Christmas Elf at short notice. I was thrilled to be back playing the Cat in Dick Whittington last year, and playing Piggy Bricks is a lot of fun. I'm not normally a scientist, but I must admit I'm really enjoying reading the Physics book that we use as a prop! When I'm not working with Story Storks, I enjoy Freelance Director roles and tending to my allotment - I've surprised myself with just how much I enjoy the latter!
Raphael McAuliffe

Role in the Show: Mummy Pig, Bus Driver, Big Bad Wolf
Other jobs with Story Storks
Finding Sarah's pencils when she loses them, which is constantly!
I joined the cast of Story Storks for Princess Island at the Rose Theatre in 2017, and haven't looked back since. With a background in musical theatre and comedy, I made my film debut in 2016 in 'Florence Foster' with Meryl Streep. A proud Dad of two brilliant boys, Story Storks means I get the best of the two worlds I love – parenting and the stage.
Lisette Barlow - Sound and Stage Management

Lisette is a South West London local who has worked in a number of jobs over the years starting in TV, going via education and now back into theatre, both on and behind the stage in various guises and capacities! Lisette would say they are a jack of all trades and a master of none, but that comes in handy when being the Technical Manager at the Exchange Twickenham.
Meg - Lighting and vision mixing

Meg is thrilled to be working with Story Storks for the first time. She enjoys working on children's shows, not least because she gets to use every colour of the rainbow on the lighting rig! When not in the lighting box, Meg can be found perusing vintage shops and working on her newfound hobby - knitting!
Catherine Graham - Front of House Manager

I have worked with Story Storks previously and was thrilled when we figured out a way to work together again. Their storytelling workshops have been really popular throughout the year, so being able to put a show on with them was something we were all looking forward to. Their audiences are always gorgeous! We're, of course, sad that you won't be able to join us in person this year, but we can't wait to welcome you all back at Easter.
Ruby Penman - Marketing Manager

It's been a tough year for a marketeer in theatre - there hasn't been too much to shout about. However, The Three Little Pigs is such a fun story that it's going to be a great way to kick off the summer holidays. I'm looking forward to working with Story Storks again in the future.